Did you miss our “Intro to Agile methods” Webinar? Here’s the VIDEO!

Agile approaches are no longer limited to software development. They are more and more popular with various organizations that need to be more flexible and responsive to effectively address their increasing pace of change. Agile Project Management is an innovative approach to project management.

What is Agile Project Management?

Agile Project Management (AgilePM) is an iterative approach to planning and guiding project processes.
At the core of agile is the requirement to exhibit central values and behaviors of trust, flexibility, empowerment, and collaboration.

Agile project methodology breaks down projects into small pieces that are completed in work sessions that run from the design phase to testing and quality assurance. These sessions are often called sprints: sprints are generally short, running over days or weeks; they’re typically two to four weeks long.

Does Agile have a project manager?

The role of Project Manager tends to be quite different on agile projects: it is the team member who deals with problems and handles interruptions to allow the other team members to concentrate on producing the work.

So agile projects need documentation, reviews and processes just as traditional projects do to meet requirements, manage costs and schedules, deliver benefits and avoid scope creep; agile simply does not place as much emphasis on highly detailed documentation and does not expect to fully understand the requirements before work can begin.

Instead, it emphasizes the importance of delivering a working product as something tangible for the client that can then be refined until it fulfills the client’s needs. The key measure of project progress is this series of working deliverables.

Intro to Agile methods

This 1-hour webinar, followed by almost 100 professionals from all over Europe, will introduce you to the different agile methods, the principles of the AgilePM approach and the tools needed to manage projects in an Agile way.


    • The “Agile Manifesto: philosophy, principles, behaviors
    • Intro to the most known and used agile PRACTICES: MoSCoW, Time Boxing, Iterative Development, Daily stand up meetings, etc..
    • Intro to the most known and used agile TOOLS: Burn charts, Kanban, User stories…
    • Intro to different agile APPROACHES: Scrum, Lean, XP, AgilePM, AgileBA, DevOps, SAFe …
    • Overview of Agile Project Management (AgilePM): roles, responsibilities, principles, timeboxing …
    • Q&A Session